Alroc is a blend of crushed volcanic Basalt, Granite, Dolomite, Bentonite, Rock Phosphate, Rock Potash and Bio Coal Fines, chosen for their mineral content. The Bio Coal Fines have been composted for 10 years and are added as a dry, micro-fine dust to provide carbon for our soils in the form of organic matter.
SAFE produces 11 different mixes of Alroc which are certified by the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) as an Allowed Input.
Applying rock dust to the soil is not new. Lime, dolomite and gypsum are all commonly used. Alroc takes this traditional farming technique to a new level of sophistication, with the blend of rock types in the mix and a prilling process to make for ease of application with any spreader, hand or mechanical.
In addition to the natural Alroc mixes, SAFE produces supablends. Supablends have been developed so that conventional farmers can reduce their dependency on high artificial fertiliser rates. Supablends are 70% Alroc mixed with conventional fertilisers. Alroc remineralises the soil and neutralises the acidity of the chemical fertilisers. SAFE produces 10 different supablend mixes.
Alroc is suitable for home gardeners, commercial farmers, golf courses and councils - anybody interested in perfect plants and a safe planet. It comes in 20kg (home gardeners' blend), 40kg, 1 tonne bulka bags or bulk.
Alroc is a blend of crushed volcanic Basalt, Granite, Dolomite, Bentonite, Rock Phosphate, Rock Potash and Bio Coal Fines, chosen for their mineral content.
Alroc is made when super-fine crushed rock is mixed and prilled with an organic enzyme to make a granular fertilizer for ease of spreading.
Since soil forms from rock in the first place, poor, or overworked soil can be improved by adding specific types of rock-dust chosen for their mineral content. The volcanic Basalt, Granite, Dolomite, Rock Phosphate, Rock Potash and Bio Coal Fines in Alroc, slowly releases a complete spectrum of minerals and trace elements.
Micro-organisms decompose rock-dust from the surface of tiny Alroc particles and combine this with organic matter to form humus. The rejuvenated soil supports an enormous variety of soil organisms, some of which capture nitrogen from the air and make it available to plants. The plants grow nutrient-rich and withstand pest and disease infestations much better. Because the plants develop an extensive feeder root system, they are also better able to withstand dry spells.
By utilising the soil organisms, Alroc uses a natural renewable energy source to process nutrients for plants. Sustainable farming makes use of on-farm resources and natural biological processes.
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